Biodegradation Testing for Compostable Solids
Selecting a Biodegradation Test
Plastics, coated materials, and packaging that will likely end up in solid waste streams have specific biodegradation test considerations.
Knowing how your product is likely to be disposed of is one important consideration in determining which test method to use.
Biodegradation and composting are related but not the same – before marketing your product as biodegradable, make sure to select the appropriate test method.
Compostable Plastics and other solid materials are tested in conditions representative of those found in municipal composting facilities.
Composting is a subset of biodegradation which requires a product to be tested with a much wider variety of controlled test parameters.
As testing is conducted on the finished product, the design and material weight can influence the outcome of the test.
Tests often include analysis of Plant Growth through OECD 208, a Metals Analysis and an analysis of the physical changes in the product and the compost itself.
Meeting the requirements for the post-test compost analysis indicates how a product will likely compost in commercial and municipal facilities.
Commonly requested methods for compostable plastics include, ASTM D6400, ISO 16929, and ISO 14855.
For more information on biodegradation testing contact our laboratory at 847-483-9940 or