
Situ Biosciences is an independent, globally accredited product test laboratory that provides microbial product testing supporting biological-based performance properties.
Our expertise includes chemical analysis, formulations, product quality testing, toxicology, and new product development.
ISO 17025 Accredited and GLP Compliant (A2LA ISO 17025 Certificate # 3194.01) for Conformance with Applicable Requirements of the U.S. EPA FIFRA Good Laboratory Practice Standard per 40 CFR Part 160 and TSCA Part 792.
Situ Biosciences is also the first international laboratory to provide certified antimicrobial performance reference standard material that can be used in accredited laboratory testing (ISO 17025) or to validate product test results.
Our Experience – Throughout our laboratory personnel, we have over fifty years of experience in microbiology and antimicrobial new molecule discovery, formulation development, regulatory oversight, and analytical laboratory testing.
Our Expertise – Industrial and consumer products, with manufacturing, formulation, and the chemistry of over 130 antimicrobial additives used throughout the industry. We offer a full range of test services for bacteria, fungi, virus, and algal antimicrobial chemistries and formulations. In addition, we provide a full range of biodegradation testing supporting claims for Ready Biodegradability, using aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation test methods for materials and products.
Our Laboratory – 10,000 sq ft microbiology and analytical laboratory near Chicago, IL.
For more information about the lab and our testing services, contact the lab at 847-483-9950 or info@situtest.com.