Organization for Economic Co-operation & Development (OECD)

OECD is recognized globally and is most commonly chosen by our customers for solution-based testing for lubricants, oils, detergents, personal care products, solvents and materials that dissolve in everyday use such as tablets and powders. In addition to promoting global economic cooperation and development, the OECD develops and harmonizes industrial test standards, including standards for biodegradation, toxicology, and analytical testing.

Biodegradability Testing

OECD 301 is the basis for many other biodegradation test methods, including  ASTM D5864 and ISO 14583.  In our experience, customers in maritime, energy production, oils, lubricants and personal care markets are often requiring OECD 301 testing prior to market acceptance.  Before choosing any test, make sure it meets the requirements of your end-customer or regulatory agency.

Common biodegradation tests include OECD 301B, OECD 301D and OECD 301F for aerobic biodegradation, OECD 302B for inherent biodegradation, OECD 306 for marine biodegradation, and the OECD 310 head-space series.  Customers may run several versions of the test to determine which method is right for their product.

Toxicology Testing

Toxicology testing is a common requirement when making label claims for environmentally acceptable products or materials, such as environmentally acceptable lubricants.  It is highly recommended to review requirements with the appropriate regulatory agency to determine which methods are required for label claims and regulatory acceptance. Commonly requested OECD methods for toxicology testing include OECD 201, OECD 202, and OECD 203. These standard methods test against a range of organisms including Algae and cyanobacteria, Daphnia species, and Freshwater fish species.

Analytical Testing

In companion with Toxicology and Biodegradability, OECD Analytical methods can evaluate the physical and chemical properties of materials to determine their persistency in the surrounding environment and how likely the material may become an environmental pollutant. Customer commonly request OECD Analytical methods including OECD 105, OECD 107, OECD 111, OECD 112, OECD 113, and OECD 117.

Many of the OECD Analytical methods are source materials, along with the EPA Regulatory Document 40 CFR 158, used to develop the harmonized OPPT 830 Series, Product Properties Test Guidelines for pesticide product registrations or reregistration.  Refer to our Analytics for Agriculture and Pesticide Use page for more information.

Contact the lab at 847-483-9950 or info@situtest.com for more information about OECD testing.