American Society for Testing and MaterialsAmerican Society for Testing and Materials

ASTM antimicrobial and biodegradation tests are commonly used for a number of products and materials.  Developed for use with industrial materials and consumer goods, ASTM test standards are recognized globally for products needing to demonstrate antimicrobial performance and biodegradability.

Common ASTM test methods include ASTM D6400 for Aerobic Biodegradation, ASTM G21 Antifungal Test, ASTM G29 Antialgal Test and ASTM E2275 for Metalworking Fluids. Other ASTM antimicrobial tests include ASTM D3273 for paints and coatings, ASTM E640 for preservation of cosmetics, and ASTM D2574 for emulsion paints in the container.  Our lab also runs ASTM D5338 which is the core of many biodegradation test protocols, including ASTM D6400 and ASTM D6868 used for coated plastics and packaging materials.

As with many industrial test standards, ASTM tests have been harmonized with other organizations. For example, EN 13432 and ISO 14855 are harmonized versions of ASTM D6400 and are often requested for a specific market the product may be entering.

ASTM methods cover a large range of industries and consumer products, and knowing which method to use for product testing can be challenging and time consuming.  At Situ Biosciences’ product test laboratory, our commercial and technical staff will help determine the most appropriate approach to product testing and provide guidance through the testing process.

Contact the lab at 847-483-9950 or for more information about ASTM antimicrobial and biodegradation testing.