OECD 208: Terrestrial Plant Test
OECD 208 is a terrestrial plant test that determines seedling emergence and growth in composted material resulting from a solid’s biodegradation, like plastic. OECD 208 is used to determine if the composted material is toxic to plants.
The OECD 208 test method is used to confirm that biodegraded and composted materials do not introduce toxic components into the compost.OECD 208 determines the comparative germination of two separate plant species.
Standard testing for OECD 208 runs for 14 to 21 days. Results are analyzed by thresholds set by the method for a percentage of seedling emergence that must be met for crop and non-crop species.
When testing is completed, the measurements for emergence, biomass, and visual phytotoxicity are recorded
OECD 208 Phytotoxicity testing is an important part of the biodegradation procedures for solid materials like plastic, because even if a material degrades into compost, there is still concern that the compost itself has to remain usable and of high quality.
If a material does not pass the phytotoxicity portion of biodegradation test series like ASTM D6400, it provides important information to producers that the material has a toxic affect on plants.
Please inquire with the lab for additional Toxicology testing.
For more information about OECD 208 and Phytotoxicity testing, contact the lab at 847-483-9950 or info@situtest.com.