Fungi fight back… Situ Biosciences – Microbial Test Experts There is a war being waged by the microorganisms around us. New research has shown that fungi have evolved proteins that help it avoid plant defenses against microbes. This research provides another amazing example of the subtle interplay that occurs in nature between a host and the […]
Product Test Themes
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- Antimicrobial Testing
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Category Archives: Bacteria
On a snowy winter day there is nothing better than sitting next to a warm fire with a hot beverage dreaming of Cayo de Aqua beaches in Venezuela; however, in reality over 80% of the Earth never reaches above 5°C (3). Even more distant from our thoughts is that many microorganisms inhabit these inhabitable landscapes […]
Loving the Cold: Microbes from the Archeozoic Eon
Electronic Equipment – From individual components to entire assemblies, electronic equipment can present a favorable environment for microbial growth Fuels and Lubricant – Storage, use, and disposal of fuels and lubricants can be impacted by microbes, whether the need is to prevent microbial growth or to encourage microbial consumption Textiles – Used in harsh conditions […]
Antimicrobial Testing – Exceeding the Standards
Steps to Reducing and Preventing Microbial Contamination Microbial Screening Microbes can grow nearly everywhere – make sure the production lines, raw materials, and packaging are as clear as possible before filling orders Durability Testing a products performance for a specific environment. Can be heat, UV, moisture, etc; make sure to test in similar conditions, not just with standard […]
Personal Care Preservation & Performance Testing
Commonly requested test methods for personal are and cosmetic products include: Preservation ASTM E640 – Preservatives in Water-Containing Cosmetics ASTM E645 – Evaluation of Preservatives in Cooling Water (Industrial Water Testing) Shelf Life Accelerated Aging – Heat Accelerated Aging – Spray/Wipe Accelerated Aging – UV Exposure Accelerated Aging – Water Mist Biodegradation OECD 301B for […]
Personal Care Test Methods
Bacterial contamination has once again resulted in a large scale product recall, this time with baby wipe; and this is an entirely avoidable problem. Apparently, after opening a package of baby wipes, customers discovered the wipes were discolored and had an unpleasant order. Further microbial testing indicated that the contaminant was (in part) Burkholderia cepacia. A […]
Personal Care Quality Control Testing
Textiles are an important part of our everyday lives. New trends constantly develop and new products hit the market each season. One item that has hit the shelves and formed its niche into our lives is leggings. They are comfortable, light, and usually inexpensive. Leggings have become an extremely popular trend in the clothing world today. […]
Fashion Trends & Antimicrobials
Its been a busy year at the lab, and we hope for you as well. As we look forward to 2013, here’s a few of the projects we were working on in 2012. Anti-Fungal Turf Testing Brown and Dollar Spot Fungi Aspergillus Fungi Close up of spores on the go Military Textiles AATCC […]
2012 – Year in Review
Textiles are part of our everyday experience but little do we realize the amount of technology and application expertise that goes into providing their features and performance attributes, particularly formulating for the addition of antimicrobial performance.
Antimicrobial Textile Testing – Advanced Performance
Research into the microorganisms related to food born illness has taken a turn in the last few years. Vibrio vulnificus a formerly little known organism related to the bacteria causing cholera disease (Vibrio cholera) is now causing increasing concern associated with the consumption of raw or undercooked shellfish.