ASTM D7907 – Antibacterial Glove Surface Test

ASTM D7907 is the standard antimicrobial test method for the determination of bactericidal efficacy on the surface of medical examination gloves.

Standard testing for ASTM D7907 has two method versions, A and B. Method A is conducted without an organic load and Method B is conducted with an organic load. Both versions of the method have contact kill time points of 0, 5, 10, 20, and 30 minutes.

If additional time points are needed, customers can include upon request; the ASTM D7907 method recommends time points less than 5 minutes for examination gloves used during the care of critically ill patients.

Standard test organisms recommended by the ASTM D7907 method include:

  • S. aureus
  • E. faecalis
  • P. aeruginosa
  • K. pneumoniae

ASTM D7907 is generally conducted on the outside of gloves; however, testing of the inside surface can also be performed. Customers commonly request ASTM D7907 for a variety of glove types for the medical and non-medical application.

For more information on ASTM D7907 and Antimicrobial testing, contact our Antimicrobial test laboratory at 847-483-9950 or